Click on the Board Member's name to email them
Band Director: Anna Horldt
President: Libby Duncan
Vice President: Kelly Kennedy
Secretary: Lindsay Marshall
Treasurer: Claudia Duncan
Pipe Band Liason: Kaily Palmer
Uniforms Chair: Madison Poth
Dunedin Highland Middle School is the only public middle school in the United States with a Scottish Arts program. The success of our pipe band and Highland dance program is thanks to support from our school district, local community sponsors, parents, and our incredibly talented, dedicated students.
We have outstanding paid and volunteer instructors who visit the school daily to teach this special culture. Our Band Boosters organization supports Ms. Horldt and helps fund the expenses for instruction, equipment, and uniforms for the Scottish Arts as well as the concert bands, jazz ensemble, rock band, and color guard program.
If you are interested in being more involved with the boosters, please contact Dion Hancock at the email link above.
Don't forget to log your Volunteer Hours!
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Register to be a volunteer at DHMS by clicking here.